Table of contents
1. General conditions
1.1 The policyholder
1.2 The insurer

2. Start and end of the Insurance
2.1 Duration of the insurance
2.2 If the trip does not take place
2.3 When is the insurance stopped immediately
2.4 Adjustment to the insurance

3. Premium
4.1 What is the premium

4. What is insured
4.1 Which trip is insured
4.2 Where does the insurance apply
4.3 When is there coverage while traveling
4.4 What if the damage is elsewhere insured

5 What is not insured
5.1 When is the damage not insured.

6. Claims settlement
6.1 Who does the insurer pay out
6.2 When does an insured report an accident
6.3 Damage notification by the insured
6.4 Who settles the damage
6.5 Costs that will be paid in addition to the damage

7. Privacy
7.1 The personal data
7.2 What the data is used for

8 Complaints
8.1 What to do in case of a complaint
8.2 What if the complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily
8.3 Applicable law

9. Definition
9.1 Acute illness
9.2 Serious conflicts (molestation)
9.3 Fraud
9.4 Terrorism
1.1 The policyholder
The person with whom the insurer takes out this insurance and pays the premium.

1.2 The insurer
Henderson International Insurance B.V.
Reinsured by …………

2.1 Duration of the insurance
A maximum of 7 days, starting on the day of the trip.

2.2 If the trip does not take place
Call Henderson International Insurance B.V.
– Welfare Drive # 6, Unit 1.
Cole Bay, St. Maarten.
T: 1-721-544-3557.

The premium minus the administrative costs will be refunded.

2.3 When is the insurance stopped immediately
a. In the event of incomplete or incorrect information when taking out the insurance.
And if the insurance was not taken out, if the information had been passed on completely or correctly.
b. In actions, with the intention of misleading the insurer.
c. In case of fraud.

For all of the above, no premium will be refunded.

2.4 Adjustment to the insurance
The insurance cannot be adjusted

3.1 What is the premium
The premium is a fixed amount and is stated on the flight ticket.

4.1 Which trip is insured
Any trip booked with and undertaken with Winair Airlines, regardless of the purpose of the trip.

4.2 Where does the insurance apply
In the Caribbean, if the trip is booked with Winair Airlines.

4.3 When is there coverage while traveling
a. From the moment the insured has checked in and entrusted his baggage to Winair Airlines.
b. In the recreational home such as a hotel, motel, B&B, Airbnb, as soon as insured arrives there.
c. If the insured has a permanent berth in the port, a pitch on the campsite or a recreational home at a holiday park.
d. During day trips abroad.
e. Up to and including the return journey, if the insured has received his checked baggage back.

4.4 What if the damage is elsewhere insured
a. The other insurance will prevail.
b. The insurer does compensate the damage above the maximum amount of the other insurance up to the maximum of this insurance.
c. The insurer does not refund the deductible with that other insurance.

Below are the occurrences in which a damage is not insured. These apply to all coverages.
For each insurance there are additional situations in which a damage is not insured.
These additional situations can be found in the special terms and conditions under the different types of cover.

5.1 When is the damage not insured
a. Damage from serious conflicts (molestation).
b. Damage from atomic nuclear reactions, occurring in any case.
Insured: if the damage has occurred due to radioactive substances outside a nuclear installation, and the person responsible has the correct permits.
c. If someone else or another legal entity is liable for the damage.
d. Damage from solar or magnetic storm.
e. Damage caused by the deterioration of electronic or energy supplies. And everything that has to do with it.
f. If the insured commits fraud.
Compensation paid and costs incurred must be paid back to the insurer.
g. If the insured commits a crime. Or try to.
h. If the insured does something intentionally that he should not have done.
– Or he deliberately does nothing, when he should have done something.
– with or without the purpose to harm.
– but the insured knows that damage occurs or the chance of damage is high and does it anyway.
i. If the insured acts recklessly or has mayor fault. Or does something and knows that the risk of damage is high.
j. If the insured does nothing to prevent damage.
k. If the insured has used alcohol, drugs, medicines or other intoxicating substances.
i. the insured has more alcohol in the blood or breath than is legally allowed.
ii. or if the insured does not cooperate with a breathalyzer or blood test.
iii. the insured has used drugs, medicines or other intoxicating substances that may affect his behaviour.
l. As insured travels to an area with color code ‘red’, as determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Insured: as insured is already in an area when this area is color coded ‘red’.
i. the insured must then leave the area as soon as possible.
ii. the costs of leaving the area are not insured.
m. If insured participates in a martial art or fight.
Insured: if the insured can prove that it was self-defense.
n. As an insured participates in military activities.
o. As insured engages in extreme forms of mountaineering (such as alpinise (rock climbing), bouldering, multi-day mountain hiking trip without guide, abseiling).
p. If insured does extreme forms of (sub)watersports (such as kitesurfing, water skiing, canoe solo, wakeboarding, unaccompanied freediving, water polo, water basketball, underwater hockey, underwater football, tubing).
q. If insured participates in extreme forms of air sports (such as ballooning, bungy jumping, hang gliding, motor gliding, skydiving, paragliding, parasailing, stunt flying, tandem jumping).
r. If insured participates in a speed competition (such as a competition with cars, motorcycles, or boats).
s. If insured participates in (professional) cycling races and /or mountain and slope challenges.
t. If the damage is caused by a human infectious disease, which the government has declared epedemia. And/or declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

6.1 Who does the insurer pay out
Insurer determines how much costs must be paid.
Insurer pays to 1 person or agency.
a. If the insured person becomes permanently disabled or injured.
– To insured.
– Or directly to the doctor or dentist.
– Or directly to the healthcare institutions.
b. If insured dies.
– To the person who arranges the inheritance.

6.2 When does insured report an accident
As soon as possible. If it does not work for a valid reason, insured or relatives should report within 2 weeks.
a. In the event of death, the relatives must report the accident.
a. When admitted to the hospital, the insured reports this in advance to our emergency center.

6.3 Damage notification by the insured
a. In the event of illness or accident, the insured will contact our emergency center immediately. And follows the advice of the emergency center.
b. The insured sends all information and evidence immediately, even if the insured is (partly) recovered (such as bills, receipts of costs incurred, medical report, and health insurance benefit notice). All in Dutch, English or Spanish.
c. Insured helps with the claims handling (for example, if the medical advisor needs permission to consult with the doctor).
d. The insured cooperates in a speedy recovery and does nothing that is harmfull to the insurer.
e. The insured prevents the damage from increasing.
f. If the information submitted by the insured shows that another person is liable for the costs, the insured cooperates to recover the costs.

If the insured does not comply with the above, the insurer cannot properly determine the damage. If this increases the damage, the insurer does not pay or pays less.

6.4 Who settles the damage
The insurer determines the amount of the damage.
a. The insurer arranges the damage together with the insured.
b. The insurer sometimes uses a loss adjuster or medical advisor.
c. Determining the amount of damage does not initially mean that the damage will be compensated.

6.5 Costs that will be paid in addition to the damage
These costs will only be paid if they are necessary for the determination of a damage that is insured.
a. Costs of the insurer’s expert. To determine the amount of damage.
b. The cost of the insured’s expert.These costs are paid up to a maximum of the costs charged by the insurer’s expert.
c. If the insured’s expert charges more. Then the insurer assesses whether those extra costs are reasonable. Additional costs that are not reasonable will remain at the expense of the insured.
d. The cost of the 3rd expert.
7.1 The personal data
Will be used by Henderson International Insurance B.V.

7.2 What the data is used for
a. To enter into and execute agreements with the insured.
b. To ensure that the financial sector remains safe and reliable. To prevent fraud.
c. To comply with the law.
d. To maintain communication.

8.1 What to do in case of a complaint
Submit the complaint to Henderson International Insurance B.V.
Welfare Drive # 6, Unit 1.
Cole Bay, St. Maarten.
T: 1-721-544-3557.

8.2 What if the complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily
The complaint can therefore always be submitted to the court.

8.3 Applicable law
The joint court of justice from Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saint Marten, Sint-Eustatius en Saba.

9.1 Acute illness
Medical expenses of an emergency nature abroad. Costs for treatments that cannot wait for the insured to return to his residence.

9.2 Serious conflicts (molestation)
In accordance with the descriptions of the Duth Assosciation of Insurers (filled on
November 2, 1981, number 136/1981 district court of The Hague).
a. Armed conflict:
A conflict between states or organized groups involving the use of weapons (also actions of the United Nations peacekeeping force).
b. Civil War:
A more or less organized struggle between inhabitants of a country in which a large part of the inhabitants participate.
c. Revolution:
Organized violent resistance within a state directed against the public autohorites.
d. Civil commotion:
More or less organized violent acts in different places in a country.

e. Riot:
A more or less violent action against public authority.
f. Mutiny:
A more or less organized violent action by members of a group against their leaders.

9.3 Fraud
If the insured does not tell the truth or not everything, with the intention of getting a (higher) compensation from the insurer.

9.4 Terrorism
An attack with political, religious or ideological purpose in which there is violence or contamination via germs/harmful substances.
– Also the measures to prevent such an attack or to limit the consequences.


Table of contents
1. General conditions
1.1 What is insured
1.2 When are the medical costs insured
1.3 What if the insured unexpectedly has to stay abroad longer, due to illness or accident
1.4 Medical costs insured
1.5 The maximum insured amount

2. What is not insured
2.1 When are the medical costs not insured

1.1 What is insured
a. Acute medical costs while traveling.
b. Accidents during the trip.

1.2 When are the medical costs insured
a. the treatment is medically necessary, really urgent, and
b. the costs have arisen as a result of an unexpected event (uncertain event), and
c. the costs are not insured elsewhere, and
d. the event have arisen in the duration of the insurance, and
e. the treatment can no longer wait until the insured is back home.

1.3 What if the insured unexpectedly has to stay abroad longer, due to illness or accident
a. Due to an acute illness or accident, and
b. The insured can do nothing about it.
The insured has coverage for a maximum of 7 more days, until the insured is back home.
But the insured must go home as soon as possible.
The total travel period covered of 14 days cannot be exceeded.
1.4 Medical costs insured:
A. Treatments
i. By a doctor and/or which the doctor has prescribed.
ii. And which cannot be postponed until the insured is back home.
iii. The insured sends a referral letter, if the medical adviser requests it.
iv. And the doctor is recognized by the government of that country.
v. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

B. Examination
i. Which the doctor has prescribed.
ii. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

C. Medication and/or bandages
i. Which the doctor has prescribed.
ii. The insured sends a prescription if the medical advisor requests it.
iii. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

D. Tranport
i. To and from a hospital.
ii. If insured is acutely ill or has had an accident.
iii. To another hospital if this is medically necessary and only during the trip abroad.
iv. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

E. Nursing in the hospital.
i. In a hospital approved by the government of that country.
ii. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

F. Medical equipment
i. Such as crutches, wheelchair or a brace.
ii. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

G. Dental costs
i. Treatment by a dentist.
ii. Treatment and examine which a dentist has prescribed.
iii. Medicine en bandages which a dentist has prescribed.
iv. Emergency solutions which a dentist has prescribed (such as an emergency crown).
v. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

H. Air-Ambulance
i. Repatriation by air ambulance to the nearest destination capable of providing the necessary assistance, and
ii. If this is medically necessary and prescribed by the doctor, and
iii. If the travel destination itself cannot provide the specific care.
iv. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

I. Repatriation to the residence
i. Of the injured or (acutely) ill insured person.
In an adapted aircraft, which offers the necessary adjustments to the insured, to fly back to the place of residence painlessly and comfortably.
ii. Of the minor if the parents, guardian or accompanying person becomes ill.
iii. Of the remains of insured, to the place of residence or at least to a destination provided by Winair Airlines.
iv. The insurer will pay up to the insured amount in accordance with paragraph 1.5.

J. Extra accommodation costs
i. If the insured unexpectedly has to stay abroad longer due to illness or accident, up to a maximum of 7 days.
ii. Up to the insured amount will be paid in accordance with paragraph 1.5. for reasonable and fair costs.

1.5 The maximum insured amount
All medical costs incurred abroad (A to J) in connection with an acute illness and/or accident of the insured during the trip, will be paid together up to a maximum of USD. 25,000.00 (TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS) per trip.

Treatments, examines, medications, bandages, transport & nursing in the hospital. Cost price USD. 25,000.00
Medical equipment Cost price USD. 1,000.00
Dental costs Cost price USD. 250.00
Air-Ambulance Cost price USD. 10,000.00
Repatriation to the residence

Cost price USD. 1,000.00
Repatriation of the remains USD. 8,000.00
Repatriation of the minor, if one of the parents, guardian or accompanying person becomes ill, per person. USD. 1,000.00
Extra accommodation costs max 7 days Cost price USD. 500.00

In total, for all costs together, no more will be paid than
USD. 25,000.00
2.1 When are the medical costs not insured
a. General conditions
everything listed under “What is not insured” in the General Terms and Conditions.
b. If insured is treated in a private clinic.
Insured: if our emergency center gives permission for this in advance.
c. If the insured knew in advance that he would have medical expenses during the trip, or could have known (for example, if he went on a trip to be treated).
d. If the insured could have postponed treatment until he returns to the area of residence.
e. The costs for after-treatment.
f. Medications and bandages that you buy without a prescription.
g. The costs for paranormal and/or alternative treatments and/or -medicines.
h. The cost of treatments, examinations and medicines for an existing disease or symptoms that the insured already had before the trip and which did not worsen during the trip.
Insured: if the insured becomes seriously ill and needs emergency care. And could not have predicted the worsening.


Table of content
1. General conditions
1.1 What is insured
1.2 What must the damage event comply with
1.3 What damage is insured
1.4 Deductible
1.5 The maximum insured amount

2. What is not insured
2.1 Which baggage will not be paid out.
2.2 When is the cost for the baggage not paid out

3. Claims settlement
3.1 Damage notification by the insured
3.2. Payment

1.1 What is insured
a. Baggage of the insured, which he owns. That insured takes for himself on a trip.
b. Personal belongings that the insured has purchased privately (provide receipts).
Not insured: items owned by a company.
c. Equipment that insured rents (such as for mountaineering, diving, baggage racks, baggage boxes, bicycles carriers).
d. Personal belongings of someone else, which the insured takes with him during a trip for his own use.
e. Rented medical devices and equipment (such as walkers, CPAP-equipment, wheelchairs).

1.2 What must the damage event comply with
a. The cause of the damage happens unexpectedly. An uncertain event, and
b. It happens during the period of the insurance, and
c. The cause of the damage is insured according to these conditions:
– 1 cause for more events counts as 1 event.
– Multiple events with the same cause counts as 1 event.

1.3 What damage is insured
a. Damage to baggage.
b. Loss of baggage.
c. Theft of baggage.

1.4 Deductible
The deductible is the part of the damage that the insured pays himself.
a. The insured always pays a deductible of USD. 100.00 (ONEHONDRED DOLLARS) per trip.
a. For mobile phones, smartphones, laptops or tablets, an additional deductible of USD. 50.00 (FIFTY DOLLARS) per device, per trip.

1.5 The maximum insured amount
The insurer never pays more than USD. 1,000.00 (ONETHOUSANDDOLLARS) for all the damages, per trip.

2.1 Which baggage will not be paid out.
a. Money, monetary values such as cards, the amount on chip cards and checks.
b. Motor vehicles, caravans, folding trailers, trailers and everything that goes with them (such as keys or awnings, parts concerns).
c. Vessels and all related thereto.
d. Animals.
e. Keys to office or safe.
f. Weapons and ammunition.
g. Fireworks.
h. Minor damage to baggage (for example by scratches, dents, stains or other ordinary usage damage).
And the insured can still use the baggage for what it is intended.
i. Damage to electronic devices due to overload (such as due to too high voltage, short circuit, leaking batteries or because they have become too hot).
j. Damage to parts of musical instruments (such as bellows, drum heads, drumsticks, hair, strings, or wicker).
k. Damage from slow-acting influences (for example, if the baggage is discoloured by the sun).
l. Damage by pests (for example, if moths break the clothes).
m. Damage only because something is not working properly (for example, a camera or mobile that no longer works).
n. Damage caused by fraud with payments or debits.
o. Damage due to repair, restoration, processing or cleaning of items.
p. Damage due to wear and tear of the baggage.

2.2 When is the cost for the baggage not paid out
a. General conditions
everything listed under “What is not insured” in the General Terms and Conditions.
b. If the insured does not take normal caution. Means that the insured should reasonably have taken better measures to prevent damage.
c. If the insured leaves the baggage unattended (also in a room).
Insured: in a safe.
d. In the event of theft of baggage from a motor vehicle.
e. Insured uses the baggage for something other than what it is intended for (for example, using a regular camera as an underwater camera).
f. If the baggage has been confiscated.
Insured: after a traffic accident.

3.1 Damage notification by the insured
a. The insured sends all information immediately to the insurer.
– A statement about the cause and extent of the damage.
– Proof about the value of the baggage and when it was bought.
– Proof that the baggage belongs to the insured.
b. In the event of theft, the insured reports the theft immediately, during the trip, and sends the declaration certificate.
– At the local police, police at the airport or station.
– At the municipality, a conductor, the tour leader or owner of the campsite or hotel during the trip.
c. If the damage occurred during the flight (checked baggage):
– Insured sends the Property Irregularity Report.
– The insured must notify the insurer immediately if the baggage and/or belongings have been found again.

If the insured does not comply with the above, the insurer cannot properly determine the damage. If this increases the damage, the insurer does not pay or pays less.

3.2. Payment
a. The insurer pays the repair costs, if the bagege can be repaired.
b. If the repair fee exceeds the amount to purchase the same baggage at that time, or if the baggage cannot be repaired.
The amount shall be paid as follows:
– If the baggage is younger than 6 months.
75% of the purchase costs at that time.
– If the baggage is older than 6 months.
50% of the purchase costs.


Table of contents
1. General conditions
1.1. When is the insured, insured
1.2 What damage is insured
1.3 The maximum insured amount

2.1 When are accidents not insured

3.1 Insured amount in the event of permanent disability
3.2 The insured receives a percentage of the insured amount
3.3 The insured receives a part of the percentage of the insured amount.
3.4 How the amount is determined, if insured becomes permanently disabled
3.5 If the insured did not wear a helmet or seat belt, although this was mandatory
3.6 What is not taken into account
3.7 When does the insurer pay out
3.8 What amount is paid out if insured was already disabled

1.1. When is the insured, insured
a. If the insured has an accident in traffic.
– With or without motor vehicle or (air) vessel.
– As a pedestrian, driver or passenger.
b. If the insured has an accident within a building (such as in a shop, hotel or airport).
c. If the insured has an accident outside a building (such as on a sports field or parking lot).
– If the accident is caused by an unexpected event. Uncertain event, and
– If the accident occurs during the insurance period, and
– If the accident causes direct physical violence to the body from the outside.

1.2 What damage is insured
a. An insured becomes permanently disabled as a result of the accident.
– He loses a body part.
– He can no longer (partly) use a body part.
b. An insured dies as a result of the accident.

1.3 The maximum insured amount
a. In the event of accidental death
Insurer pays out a lump sum of USD. 5,000.00 (FIFETHOUSAND DOLLARS) for funeral costs.
b. In the event of permanent disability due to an accident
Insurer pays out up to a maximum of USD. 10,000.00 (TENTHOUSAND DOLLARS) per trip.

2.1 When are accidents not insured
a. General conditions
everything listed under “What is not insured” in the General Terms and Conditions.
b. As the insured drive, sail or fly without a valid certificate and/or license.
c. Insured commits suicide. Or tries to commit one.

3.1 Insured amount in the event of permanent disability
Maximum the insured amount, per trip.

3.2 The insured receives a percentage of the insured amount
Permanent disability is expressed by doctors in a percentage, the whole healthy person is 100%.
– If the insured loses a body part or can no longer use it at all, the insured receives a percentage of the insured amount.

3.3 The insured receives a part of the percentage of the insured amount.
– If the insured can no longer use part of a body part.
Note! The insured receives a part of the percentage of the insured amount.
– The percentage is proportional to the loss of function.

3.4 How the amount is determined, if insured becomes permanently disabled
a. The amount depends on what the insured has and how serious it is.
b. A doctor determines the injury.
c. The profession or work of the insured is not taken into account.
d. The benefit shall be determined on the basis of the tables of the gliedertaxe.
– if not with the latest rules from American Medical Association.

3.5 If the insured did not wear a helmet or seat belt, although this was mandatory
The insurer will pay a maximum of 75% of the amount to which the insured would otherwise be entitled.

3.6 What is not taken into account
In determining of the severity of the situation, like how disabled insured will remain.
It does not take into account:
a. The profession.
b. Whether the insured can still do his job.
c. Symptoms, illnesses and/or conditions that the insured already had before the accident and that aggravate the consequences of the accident.
d. The risk of future symptoms that may arise indirectly as a result of the accident.
e. Mental illness, unless medically proven as the direct result of the brain injury caused by the accident.
f. Symptoms that a doctor cannot determine with a technical medical examination, such as:
– Whiplash of postwhiplash syndrome.
– Chronic fatigue syndrome.
– Post-traumatic stress dosorder.
– Post-traumatic asteoartrritis.
– Post-concussion syndrome.
– Fibromyalgia.

3.7 When does the insurer pay out
a. The insurer pays out within 1 year after the accident, if the disability cannot be increased or reduced.
b. If the insured’s disability can still change after 2 years, the insurer will make an estimate available on the basis of the medical data.

3.8 What amount is paid if insured was already disabled
The insurer only pays out the part that the insured has become extra disabled as a result of the accident.